The Boys' JV Football Team had their last game today against St. Catherine but unfortunately lost. Nice try Bruins and congratulations to an amazing season.
-Gian Magno, Commissioner of Boys' Athletics
The Boys' JV Football Team had a game today against St. James and won! Great job Bruins!
-Gian Magno, Commissioner of Boys' Athletics The Boys' Varsity Basketball Team will be holding tryouts after school on Thursday, November 10th. All student's in grade's 6-8th are welcomed to come out!
-Mr. Gabe Hernandez Student Council Moderator The Boys' Varsity Football Team had their first Playoff game today against Visitation but unfortunately lost. Congratulations to them on their amazing season. They fought hard to get to where they are now. Also special thanks to Coach Pizano and Coach Hunter for coaching the boys. They wouldn't be able to be where they are without the great coaching and guidance provided from both of them.
-Gian Magno, Commissioner of Boys' Athletics The Boys' Varsity Football Team has their first Play Off game this Saturday against Visitation at 12:45pm at Cantwell High School in Motebello.
-Gian Magno, Commissioner of Boys' Athletics |