Jr. High Team
Junior High Uniform Policy
Grading Breakdown
Grading ScaleA 97-93%
B+ 90-92% B 87-89%, B- 85-86% C+ 80-84%, C 75-79% C- 70-74% D 65-69% F 0- 64% |
GradelinkAll students/ parents will be given a log in password to create a personal account. This application gives students and parents full access to all the process in every class (missing assignments, scores, assignments, etc.)
8th grade Valedictorian and SalutatorianThe 8th grade student with the highest GPA for the 8th grade year ONLY will be named Valedictorian for the graduating class and the 8th grade student with the second highest GPA for the 8th grade year will be named the Salutatorian for the graduating class. These students will be presenting their speeches at the graduation ceremony.
Students are expected to follow school and class rules at all times. The rules have been developed to maintain a productive learning atmosphere for everyone.
Violations and DetentionsStudents will be assigned detention when 3 violations have been given on any day within each quarter.
Suspensions will partake when a student has received 3 detentions ( 9 violations) in a school year.
Uniform Violations
Detention Minutes